Tiger, Inc.

Tiger, Inc. Policy Manual
  1. Be On Time
  2. Be Respectful (to others and equipment)
  3. Be Prepared
  4. Be Resourceful
  5. No Food, Drink, Candy, or Beauty Products
  6. No cell phone policy in classroom

OFFICE RULES (in addition to basic company rules)
  1. Place backpack under work station (safety issue).
  2. Speak at appropriate times, using appropriate voice and language.
  3. Respect other people’s and the school’s property.
  4. Keep your hands to yourself.
  5. Do not prevent other students from learning.
  6. Come to class prepared to learn. 
  7. No outside disks/jump drives are allowed in the computer lab.
  8. Do not access the Internet (unless instructed by the teacher) or play games on the computer during class time.
  9. Do not attempt access restricted sites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  10. Do not place a personalized screen saver or change the display properties of a computer.
  11. No “rough housing” or playing allowed in the computer lab.
  12. All rules in the DHS handbook will be enforced.
  13. Cell phones are only allowed when director gives permission and are NOT ALLOWED when a substitute is present

Professional behavior and attire will be expected from all company employees.  Those choosing to wear inappropriate clothing will be referred to the administration.

A company’s success depends on the ethical behavior of its employees.  Our company will not tolerate unethical employee behavior.  Examples of unethical behavior include but are not limited to cheating, stealing, disrespectful behavior towards directors, managers, or other employees, inappropriate language, sexual harassment, misuse of technology, misuse of company resources, playing computer games, visiting non-academy related websites, and wasting academy time (unproductivity).

Students will abide by the terms set forth in Tiger Tiers.  Any breach of policy by employee will be noted in the employees' file and will be taken into consideration during quarter evaluations.  

Cell phone use is prohibited in the classroom unless instructed by the teacher.  Students will deposit their cell phone into the designated storage bin at the beginning of class and will collect it on the way out the door AFTER the bell rings.  The office manager will account for each bin and if the students deposits their phone daily then softskills will not be deducted from their grade.  If a student does not abide by the cell phone rule and is caught using their phone then 1st offence will result in "cell jail" for the day and can be picked up after school.  2nd offense will result in it being turned into the office.  Lose of softskills will occur in both instances.  

An employee should always be at work unless he/she has an extreme illness or family emergency.  Tiger, Inc. is a company and each employee has daily responsibilities which make attendance important.  Appointments and personal commitments should not be scheduled during “company” time.  Employees will be expected to be at work daily unless prior notification is given. A memo must be addressed to the company director 5 days prior to any scheduled absences.  The Office Manager and Vice President must call in to Tiger, Inc. before any anticipated absence or lateness just as he/she would for a job.  The phone number is (334) 289-0294 ext. 5208

Punctuality as well as attendance is important.  It is imperative, therefore, that employees develop the habit of arriving to work on time and being prepared to start work immediately.  A bonus of one point will be given at the end of each grading period for any employee with NO tardies for that grading period.  If an employee has 3 or more tardies per grading period his/her performance evaluation will be affected.

                Each employee will be provided with 2 Hall Passes per 9 week period.  These passes are to provide employees with the opportunity to use the restroom when they have not had time.  If the employee is tardy to class due to restroom use, they may turn in a hall pass to prevent them from receiving a tardy.  If the employee does not use any of the Hall Passes throughout the 9 weeks, the passes will turn into extra credit at the end of the 9 weeks.

                If you need extra time to finish your work for the day, you may come to the office that same day and finish your work in Tiger Period.  No extra time (beyond the current day) will be given for work unless it is from an excused absence.  Students who miss work AND have an approved excuse may sign the weekly appointment book to schedule a time to complete make-up work.  Absolutely no make-up work will be completed during regular business hours unless the employee has completed the day’s work and is able to complete the make-up work before the office hour ends.  Otherwise, all make-up work will be completed during Tiger Period or by appointment. 

*** If an employee signs the appointment book and does not show up for their appointment to make up their work, the employee will earn a zero for that assignment.  The employee should not sign the appointment book and have a conflict with another scheduled appointment. ***

                Cheating will not be tolerated.  If an employee is caught typing on another employee’s computer, using a document produced by another employee, printing off a paper for another employee, talking during a test, or doing anything else that would have the director believe the work turned in or used was not the sole product of that employee, all employees involved will receive a zero on the assignment, and will not be allowed to make it up. 

                If a substitute is in the classroom, the employee is expected to show the utmost respect for the individual.  Employees are to refrain from using the computers when a substitute is present.  Any employee that is a problem for a substitute may be required to come in before or after school and type a memo of apology to the individual.  This will count as an assignment.  Employees may be referred to the administration.

                If your employee is having any problems or concerns for this class, please contact me at the school.  If I am not available to answer your call, please leave a message and a time it is convenient to return your call.  I check e-mail regularly so please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

This program is a great opportunity.  Your success and the number of competencies you achieve are totally up to you.

I look forward to having a wonderful year!


The business community varies in its dress code.  There are still many businesses that require what is considered “business or professional dress”.  The Tiger, Inc. office promote an atmosphere that considers learning about and participating in appropriate business dress important to employee success.  Several days each quarter will be set aside for professional dress.  Employees are expected to adhere to the guidelines listed below for Casual Business Dress for Business Casual Days. Noted is traditional Professional Dress as well for personal information.

We highly encourage ALL employees to participate.  If an employee CHOOSES to participate in Business Casual Days, they should follow the guidelines below.

May wear neat, denims with no tears or holes
Collared button up shirt (no t-shirts)
Dress Shoes
May wear loafer type shoes (no athletic shoes or flip flops)

May be denim with no tears or holes (no skin tight pants)
Neat shirt (no see through or t-shirts)
Dress Shoes
Flats or heels (no flip flops or athletic shoes)

Dress Slacks or Docker-style slacks
No jeans of any color
Dress Shirt
Clean and pressed
Collared dress shirt with a tie
Button down oxford shirt with a tie
No t-shirts or sport knit shorts
A banded collar shirt that may be worn with a suit jacket
Dress Shoes
Loafers, tie dress shoes
No athletic shoes, sandals, deck shoes, hiking shoes, boots, etc.
Dress Socks
Dark socks – navy, black or gray preferred
No white or sport type socks

Business type dress, skirt and blouse, or coordinated pant suit
No spaghetti or thin strap dresses unless a business type jacket is worn
No mini dress or skirts
No shorts, skorts, or split skirts
Sweater may be worn as a substitute for blouse with skirt or pant suit
No spaghetti or thin strap shirts unless a business type jacket is worn
Dress Shoes – flats or heels (closed-toed)
No athletic or open-toed shoes


EMPLOYEE’S NAME_________________________________                 DATE____________



1. Is employee utilizing a daily list of objectives?

2. Is the employee’s work area organized and neat?

3. Is the employee on task—not wasting time?

4. Is the employee meeting his or her goals?

5. Does the employee’s plan match his or her daily objectives?

6. Is the employee making good use of his/her time?

7. Is the employee’s plan effective?

8. Does it appear that the employee spent time on the plan rather than just copy it down without any thought?

9.  Is the employee going the extra mile?

Total number of checks


LESS THAN 7 CHECKS = FURTHER EMPLOYEE EVALUATION                                            SCORE

Give this form to the vice-president after completing.

Each employee should be evaluated and productivity form should be submitted a minimum of twice a quarter.

Management Positions
“A really good leader has practiced being a good follower.”

Office Manager
  1. Must assume duties for a consecutive period of two weeks.
  2. Verifies that work stations are clean DAILY.
  3. Obtains all employee supplies from the Vice President.
  4. Assist employees with tasks as needed.
  5. Checks employee productivity ONCE a week.
  6. Checks employee dress attire to ensure it is within code
  7. Office Managers dress in business casual on THURSDAYS —You are a ROLE MODEL for all employees - Extra credit
  8. Professionally answer the telephone for the Business Education Department. Politely take messages and transfer calls to the proper person.  Phones must be answered DAILY!
  9. Record company attendance and tardies. 
  10. Account for cell phones in the deposit bin DAILY
  11. Manage the company when the Director(s) are unavailable.
  12. Assist the Director(s) and the Vice President with projects that need to be completed.
  13. Resolve employee conflicts and keep employee morale high.
  14. Collect work to be turned in to the director.
  15. Place employee papers in alphabetical order.
  16. Clean up-organize the Office Manager’s desk each day.
  17. Assist directors with errands.
  18. Assist with any company improvement project.
  19. Post daily announcements.
  20. Compose a memo to your director explaining your duties during the week.  Be sure to list any problems you encountered, observations or suggestions.  This will be attached to your Management Evaluation sheet.

Vice President
  1. Responsible for office manager and department managers.
  2. Greet the public.
  3. Responsible for company resources (Check out books, videos, and motivational tapes to employees).
  4. Checks Daily to assure that all resources are available.
  5. Completes all reprographics for BE & Health staff.
  6. Contact and speak with employees.
  7. Help resolve conflicts.
  8. Assist director(s).
  9. Keep company productive.
  10. Maintain order within the department by assuring that excess noises are kept to a minimum and that distractive behaviors do not occur within the department.
  11. Evaluates employee productivity checklist received from office managers weekly to assure that employees are setting and reaching goals.  The VP must have all employee productivity checklist before 8:00 a.m. on Monday
  12. Place employee productivity checklists in the Productivity Evaluation Notebook. 
  13. Do a physical workstation check for each employee daily.  Employees should be in their assigned workstation
  14. Check workstations each day before you leave.  Be sure all computers are logged off, chairs pushed in, and that each workstation is neat, clean, and stocked with supplies.
  15. Check conference room to assure that it is neat and clean.
  16. Compile test schedule.
  17. Tuesday post “Test Sign Up Sheet” for each test day of the next week.
  18. Friday finalize schedule for the following week.
  19. Monday post “Test Schedule” at the office manager’s desk.
  20. Check to assure employee desks are clear of all materials.  Separate employees taking tests.
  21. Keep the test log very accurately.
  22. Keep track of the starting and ending time for any tests that have time limits.
  23. Reconcile tests and be sure that NO TESTS ARE MISSING.
  24. Collect assignments from Office Manager and place in appropriate drawer.
  25. Train Office Manager.
  26. Compose a memo to your director explaining your duties at the end of each week.  Be sure to list any problems you encountered, observations or suggestions.  This will be attached to your Management Evaluation sheet.
  27. Vice Presidents must dress in casual business attire ALL WEEK while he/she is serving as Vice President —You are a ROLE MODEL for all employees.

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